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Frédéric LAUNAY

Associate Professor

European Project - LTE

A FP7 proposal development was presented at Hungary Expo on May 2011. The subject LTE-SON is defined in the following link.
The First goal is to gather University researcher and European Companies to define a common project about evolution of Self Organization Network of Mobile equipment (eHNB, HNB, BTS, RNC, BSC).
The second goal is to work together to propose Simulation Tools and theoritical results of optimization.

I am in charge of the organization of collaborative work and I will work on Algorithm procedure based on Automatic tools in order to take into account the knowledge of Power measurements, Interference and the trafic load to load balance data and voice trafic between all the base station with QoS optimization.

A first partner team has been identified :
University of KENT
University of Padova
University of Malaga
University of Reading - ISR -
University of Pazmany Peter Catholic University of Budapest
SIAE Microelecttronica
VTT Technical Research Cener of Finland

Organization of the collaborative work is defined at the following link (4G/LTE Advances -> Organization)



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