Registration fees
A registration is required to attend the conference.
Registration (Early : before May 16, 2012)
North Africa (Registration form (fr))
Early | Late | |
full/Student | 200 Euros per paper | 230 Euros per paper |
Attendees from North Africa can contact Prof. Abdellah BENZAOUIA for more information.
Other Countries (Registration form Eng. , Fr. )
Early | Late | |
full | 350 Euros | 380 Euros |
student | 200 Euros | 230 Euros |
The fee for each additional paper is of 150 Euros per paper. At most two additional papers are accepted.
Each accepted paper has to be accompanied by at least one full registration. Papers longer than 8 pages will NOT be accepted.A maximum of two (2) extra pages per paper is permitted for an extra charge of 60 Euros per page ( 100 Euros per page for Late Registration).
The full-registration fee includes the CD-ROM conference Proceedings, a printed volume containing the full text of the plenary and semi-plenary papers and the abstracts of all regular papers, coffee breaks, welcome reception, closing, and banquet ticket.
The student registration fee includes the CD-ROM conference Proceedings, a printed volume containing the full text of the plenary and semi-plenary papers and the abstracts of all regular papers, coffee breaks.
Students must provide concurrently with the Registration Form an official university letter confirming their status as full time students and the degree program they are enrolled in.
Registration and Payement
Online payment: is now available
Payment by Bank Transfer must be made to:
Bank address: Crédit du Maroc, Agence 220, Sidi Abbad, Marrakech
Account (IBAN): 021 450 0000220015030021 70
Registration Forms :
Other Countries | North Africa |
The transfer receipt must be sent to Prof. Abdellah BENZAOUIA as well as for any inquiry.
For more information, feel free to contact Prof. Abdellah BENZAOUIA