Topics of interest include but not limited to
- Linear and nonlinear systems
- Modeling of complex systems
- Robust control and Hinfty control
- Stochastic control
- Estimations and identification
- Multivariable control
- Time-delay systems
- Industrial control
- Manufacturing systems
- Intelligent and AI based control
- Mathematical systems theory
- Fuzzy and neural systems
- Robotics
- Control algorithms implementation
- Control applications
- Control education
- Guidance and control theory
- Motion control
- Optimal control
- Real time systems
- Mechatronics
- Networks optimization
- Fault detection
- Power systems
- Modeling and simulation
- Optimization
- Process control and instrumentation
- Control of telecommunications systems
Important deadlines
The Program Chairs are soliciting contributed technical papers for presentation at the Conference and publication in the Conference Proceedings, as well as proposals for invited sessions/papers/talks by topic of interest.-
February 29, 2012: Contributed, papers, invited session proposals, Workshop / Tutorial Proposals, Due
April 1, 2012April 15, 2012 : Notification of acceptance or of rejection.- May 10, 2012: Final, Camera ready papers due.
Papers must be submitted electronically by February 29, 2012, via the web upload only. The guidelines will appear in this page shortly before the start of the submission process. Papers should be submitted in standard IEEE Transactions format. The first page of the paper, centred on the top below the top margin, should include the paper title, the authors' names and their affiliations, an abstract, and keywords. Six pages are allowed for each paper. Up to two additional pages will be permitted for a charge of XXX per additional page. Illustrations and references are included in the page count. Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process, coordinated by the International Program Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 1, 2012. Accepted papers in final form must be received no later than May 10, 2012.Invited Sessions:
A summary statement describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed session, invited paper titles and author names must be submitted by the organizer(s) and extended summaries of each prospective invited paper must be submitted by the authors through the conference web site by December 15, 2012.
Final Papers
Coming soon...
If you need additional information, please contact the Conference Secretariat.