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For the references, please refer to the [[publications|publication list page]]. Contact the members of the project for the source files. **IsStable** : a numerical symbolic package testing the structural stabiliy of nD systems (n ≥ 1). It is based on the obtained results in [BQR2015]. This package written in Maple was developed by Yacine Bouzidi, Alban Quadrat and Fabrice Rouillier. **IsStable2D** : a numerical symbolic package dedicated to the study of structural stability of 2D systems. For these systems, a more efficient algorithm than IsStable has been developed in [BR2016]. It is coded in Maple by Yacine Bouzidi and Fabrice Rouillier. **WhereIsStable2D** : A symbolic package allowing the study of the structural stability of a 2D system related to the parameters of the model (the stability regions are calculated in the parameter spaces). This package, written in Maple, was developed by Yacine Bouzidi and Fabrice Rouillier. It is based on theoretical results obtained in [BR2016]. **IsAsymptoticStable** : A numerical symbolic package designed to study of asymptotic stability of linear differential systems with commensurate delays. It is based on an efficient algorithm for the computation of Puiseux series at a critical zero. This package, written in Maple, has been developed by Yacine Bouzidi, Adrien Poteaux and Alban Quadrat, based on the results obtained in [BPQ2016]. **Stabilization2D** : A numerical symbolic package devoted to the computation of the stabilizing controls for 2D systems. This Maple package has been developed by Yacine Bouzidi, Thomas Cluzeau, Guillaume Moroz and Alban Quadrat. It is based on to be published results allowing the verification of internal stability and the computation of stabilizing controls for 2D systems. **StabilityEquivalence** : A symbolic package testing the structural stability of a Roesser model and a Fornasini-Marchesini (generalized) model using IsStable and using the algebraic equivalence notion recently developed between the two models.

packages.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/24 18:06 (external edit)