Lecture Activity
Elected member of the improvement council of the ENSMA (2025 - 2027)
Assistant professor - ENSMA (since 2024)
- Digital Information [INU] - Lecturer (2024 - ...) - L3
- Introduction to Data Science [UED] - L3
ATER - Université de Technologie de Compiègne (2023-2024)
- Data analysis and data mining - M1
- Optimisation and operational research - M1
- Operational research and combinatory optimisation - L3
- Object-Oriented Programming and Conception - L3
- Statistical methods for the engineer - L3
- Introduction to computer sciences - L2
PhD student - Université de Technologie de Compiègne (2023-2024)
- Statistical methods for the engineer - L3
- Object-Oriented Programming and Conception - L3
- Introduction to computer sciences - L2
Research Activity
Research interests :
- Incremental preference elicitation
- Multicriteria decision-making
- Decision theory under risk/uncertainty
- Modeling and management of uncertainty (possibility theory, belief functions)
- Learning of preferences
- Information fusion
More generally, I'm also interested in machine learning, statistics, game theory and similar subjects.
For my research, I love coding with Julia (or with Python). If you have any questions about Julia (especially to write a Julia program for your scientific research), please f!
CV | Publication list (in French)