- Full Professor
- Automatic Control and Systems
- ENSIP - University of Poitiers
- guillaume.mercere@univ-poitiers.fr
- +33 (0)549453667
Lecture Activity
I mainly teach at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Poitiers in automatic control and signal processing (Master level).
Main teaching topics: automatic control, signal processing, numerical optimization, machine learning and time series analysis.
All the documents used for these lectures are available on request. Do not hesitate !-)
Research Activity
Main research topics: model learning, learning from data, system
identification, estimation theory, state space model, gray box model,
linear parameter varying model, linear fractional representation,
subspace-based methods, numerical optimization
Main applications: electrical engineering, aeronautics, heat transfer, flexible, cable-driven manipulators, vehicle tire/road interactions and image processing.
For more detail, feel free to read CSM interview in Control Systems Magazine.