• Professeur des Universités
  • Ingénierie des Données et des moDèles

Activité d'Enseignement

I am Professor in Computer Science at Engineer School ENSMA (, Poitiers.

I am responsible and I teach the following courses:
  • Formal aspects of software engineering (Master 2 course)
  • Language interpretations and compilation
  • Programming languages
  • Data management and exploitation

In the past, as Associate Professor, I have taught the following courses:
  • Object modeling and programming
  • Distributed algorithms and systems
  • Foundations of operating systems
  • Advanced databases: Preferences and uncertainty (Master 2 course)
  • Language theory and compilation
  • Data structures, algorithmic and programming languages
  • Dynamic/Linear/Non-Linear programming
  • Operation research
  • Intelligent systems and soft computing (Master 2 course)

Activité de Recherche

My scientific research falls with the data science domain, more particularly; my topics of interest are related to the Exploitation, Extraction and Recommendation (E2R). Data of interest include semantic data, engineering/scientific data, multisensor data, etc.

My current research interests are focusing on applying Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing in:
  • Massive Data Exploitation and Analysis:
    • Querying data in a flexible way (Skyline queries, Gradual queries, Bipolar queries, etc.)
    • Modeling and querying uncertain/incomplete data
    • Cooperative answering (Query relaxation, Providing Enriched answers, Why-not questions, etc.)
    • Data reduction (Linguistic Summaries)
  • Recommendation:
    • Learning-based recommendation
    • Group recommendation
  • Extraction:
    • Mining gradual patterns
Others research topics of interests are:

  • Data quality (Quality indicators, Data repairing)
  • Intelligent systems (Computational intelligence techniques in decision making)
  • Crowdsourced data managment (Quality control, answer aggregation)

Past Research Interests:

  • Inference Systems in Artificial Intelligence
  • Commonsense Reasoning with Applications to Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems

Current Project

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Curriculum Vitae

See my curriculum Vitae: MyCV