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LIAS - Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems

UR 20299 / University of Poitiers - ENSIP / ISAE-ENSMA / Poitiers and Futuroscope / France

The Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems, created in January 2012, is the result from the merge of two laboratories: the Applied Computer Science Laboratory (LISI, EA 1232) and the Laboratory of Automation and Applied Computer Science (LAII, EA 1219). The LIAS gathers 35 teachers/researchers from disciplines like automatic control, electrical engineering, and computer science.

Although the laboratory is anchored in the Communication Systems community for the fundamental aspects, the LIAS, through its applications, is naturally open to the engineering sciences either for the new modes of propulsion, energy management, water treatment, complex sytems modelling, or the optimisation of real-time systems. The complementarity of the automatic control, electrical engineering and computer science disciplines is an added value for the application processing, all related to engineering.



For this year, LIAS offers

  • 1 internship
  • 3 thesis positions
  • 1 postdoctoral position

Industrial Project of the Day

SHRIMP - Scheduling of real-time and heterogeneous multiprocessor platform

Funding Type : ANR

Latest Publication

Quentin Haenn, Brice Chardin, Mickaël Baron. Clustering Under Radius Constraints Using Minimum Dominating Sets. 27th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Jun 2024, Poitiers, France. ⟨hal-04533921⟩


Automatic Control and Systems (A&S)

The Automatic Control and Systems team works around two main axes: identification and control of systems.

Data Engineering (IDD)

The Data Engineering team works combines model-driven Engineering techniques, Knowledge and Database Engineering.

Real Time (SETR)

The Real-Time and Embedded Systems team L’équipe SETR works around Modeling and Validation of Real-Time systems.
