Lecture Activity
Research Activity
Program Committees :
- Real-Time Networks & Systems (RTNS) since 2012
- ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC) since 2015
- DETECT since 2018
- DroneSE 2023
- Etc.
Research Topics :
- Real-Time Scheduling: uniprocessor, multiprocessor (global at the modment) and distributed scheduling. I also like practical factors such as transactions, or generalized prcedence constraints. I also particularly appreciate the cyclicity problem.
- MBSE: mainly I use MBSE to bring real-time scheduling theory to practitioners. For example we provided several bridges between UML-MARTE or AADL to real-time scheduling tools. I have been in chage of projects with the purpose of filling the gap between theory and practice, e.g., PIA CORAC Panda, FUI WARUNA the proposed the pivot meta-model Time4Sys.
- Energy: co-head of the joint lab LabCom ANR Laboratoire d'Insertion des Énergies Nouvelles et d'Optimisation des Réseaux (@LIENOR)